The Minister of Housing announced Tuesday on franceinfo 500 recruitments and an envelope of nearly 5 million euros released for the Samu social.
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The measures announced Tuesday, November 7 by the Minister of Housing for Social Samu “meet the needs”, rejoices on franceinfo Alain Christnacht, president of the Samu social de Paris. Patrice Vergriete announced on franceinfo the recruitment of “500 more staff” at Samu social “for the 115, marauding and day reception”as well as a budget of 4.7 million euros for employee bonuses.
This announcement of bonuses is very well received by the president of Samu social de Paris. “We recruit them because it’s an exciting profession, there are real vocations, but they don’t stay long”deplores Alain Christnacht, because “wages are lower than in comparable jobs in these qualifications”. These bonuses will make it easier to recruit, according to the president.
He also reacts to the increase in staff, which “can not face” to the influx of calls to 115, all the more “that once we have a request from a person who is on the street, we need to assess their needs, to get to know them better”explains Alain Christnacht, to then offer suitable accommodation.
The president of Samu social de Paris does not yet know how the 500 new positions will be distributed. “We hope to recover 10%, or 50”he says. “We are the most important since we are competent in Paris and throughout Île-de-France”justifies Alain Christnacht.