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After the demonstration which brought together nearly 80,000 people in France, Thursday January 13, Prime Minister Jean Castex received several unions, in the company of Jean-Michel Blanquer and Olivier Véran. The Minister of Education made several concrete announcements during the meeting.
The strong mobilization of teachers, on strike throughout France, Thursday, January 13, made it possible to obtain some progress. In the evening, trade union organizations and some parents of students exchanged for three hours, in the presence of the Prime Minister. “We understand the ins and outs“, assures Jean-Michel Blanquer, Minister of National Education.
The Minister’s main announcement concerns the reinforcement of the number of teachers: the latter will be supported by 3,300 contract workers until the end of the school year and will be able to have recourse to “additional lists” in the first degree, to which will add 1,500 educational assistants and 1,500 administrative contractors. Five million FFP2 masks will be made available for kindergarten teachers in the coming days, as well as surgical masks.