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Three appeals to censor the text of the pension reform have been filed with the Constitutional Council by left-wing senators, deputies from Nupes and the National Rally.
In the processions of demonstrators, slogans and posters denounce the unconstitutional nature of the pension reform, which they equate with a denial of democracy. Some in the opposition do not hesitate to speak of a crisis in our institutions. Three appeals to censor the text have been filed with the Constitutional Council by left-wing senators, deputies from Nupes and the National Rally.
The Constitutional Council has a deadline of one month
The referrals were filed for several reasons. According to Nupes, the information transmitted by the government to parliamentarians during the examination of the text would not have been sincere. Another problem for the opposition is that the reform would not fall within the specific scope of a Social Security amending financing bill. In this way, the text escapes the constitutional rule which limits 49.3 to a single use per parliamentary session. The Constitutional Council has a period of one month to determine whether the content of the text and the way in which it was debated are in conformity with the Constitution.