the mayor takes Nicolas Sirkis to task!

The Les Déferlantes festival is at the heart of a controversy. This Saturday, January 7, 2023, the Indochine group took to its social networks to discuss the move of the event to Perpignan. “We were faced with the fait accompli, that the Festival Les Déferlantes, where we are scheduled on July 8, was moving to Perpignan instead of the site initially planned. The RN mayor of Perpignan tweeted that he was happy to host the festival”first confided Nicola Sirkis before asking “expressly ask the management of Les Déferlantes to move this festival to another place, otherwise we will cancel our visit”.

A blow for Louis Aliot who responded, this Thursday, January 12, to the threats of the singer at the microphone of RTL. “We received, not long ago, Serge Klarsfeld. I saw that he prided himself on being a connoisseur of Solzhenitsyn, in my opinion he read it backwards. Because Solzhenitsyn fought all his life against people like him who were driven by intolerance and bigotry of ideas”he launched.

Louise Attaque threatens the organizers

Far from being the only one to think so, Nicola Sirkis was quickly joined by Gaëtan Roussel (Louise Attaque). “We had planned to play at the Les Déferlantes festival on July 9th. […] It was moved to the municipality of Perpignan by the organizers, without our having been consulted. The RN mayor of the city of Perpignan immediately welcomed it,” the band said in a statement before adding: “Not wishing to endorse either the fait accompli method or the possible recovery of the festival by the town hall, we also ask the management of Les Déferlantes to do everything possible to find another place. […] In the current state of things and in this specific context, we do not wish to participate in this event.. Speeches that seem to have had an impact since the Les Déferlantes festival finally gave up settling in Perpignan.


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