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The mayor of Saint-Brevin (Loire-Atlantique), Yannick Morez, resigned from his post after being the target for months of the far right. He denounces an abandonment of the State.
The photo says all the violence of a mandate, the loneliness of a councilor. The image explains the resignation of the mayor of Saint-Brevin (Loire-Atlantique), Yannick Morez. For months he has been subjected to threats, demonstrations and intimidation from the far right against the rehabilitation of a reception center for asylum seekers. The locals understand his choice. “He wants to protect his family”, said a resident. This close to the mayor sees in his resignation much more than an isolated case. “The mayor wanted to make a broader gesture compared to local elected officials who are under pressure and not supported”explains Philippe Croze, president of the collective of attentive and supportive Brévinois.
No protection for the mayor
The mayor was not under protection. Yesterday, at the National Assembly, the affair took a political turn. The socialists denounced the silence of the state. The deputies rose in support of the mayor, except those of the National Rally. This morning, in Reunion, the Prime Minister did not endorse any responsibility. The reception center will open next December, with a hundred people in it. Yannick Morez leaves the town after 32 years of life.