This is not the first time that an elected official has been targeted by insults in Normandy. In Ouistreham (Calvados), near Caen, the mayor of the town, Romain Bail (Horizons), discovered on Saturday December 25 a tag echoing Nazism and targeting it directly, registered on the public toilets of Ouistreham Riva Bella beach, in front of the sea.
On these cabins, it was written in red letters “SS Out Lease“, referring to the Schutzstaffel, Adolf Hitler’s police and army protection group, created in 1925 and very active during World War II. “How not to be shocked? How not to be plunged into a stupor? How not to believe that freedom of expression has limits?“, wrote Romain Bail on his Facebook page, Sunday December 26th.
Violence “which is increasing in France”
The tag has since been deleted, at the mayor’s request. “I had a real feeling of dismay when I discovered this tag“, explains Mayor Romain Bail,”the more so as this mention of “SS” associating me with the Nazi regime was registered on the beach of Ouistreham, a station which knew the landing during the Second World War, and which is associated with the fight against Nazism“, he denounces.
– Facebook screenshot (Romain Bail).
Tags, insults that have been increasing in recent months in France : “For several months, a new wave of tags and insults has emerged in our city, mixing questioning of the political choices of the municipal team or simple populism against a background of conspiracy, with simplism“, denounces the mayor on Facebook.
Romain Bail therefore plans to lodge a complaint with the gendarmerie on Monday, December 27. “It is up to us, elected officials, to act so that this stupidity is confronted with the democratic debate, and that it does not repeat itself.“, did he declare.