The mayor of Orléans, Serge Grouard, announces that he is leaving Les Républicains

He announces it in a letter to the members of the Loiret party. “The Republicans no longer have a political line and no more project,” he writes.

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The mayor of Orléans, Serge Grouard, has decided to slam the door of his Les Républicains party, according to information from France Bleu Orléans. The one who was president of the Republicans in the Loiret therefore leaves his political training for a “simple reason”: “France is doing badly, the Republicans no longer have any political line and no more project for our country”he wrote on Sunday March 12 in a letter to members, obtained by France Bleu Orléans.

Serge Grouard explains that the trigger for this departure was the debates in the National Assembly during the examination of the pension reform. “We were able to see Les Républicains play, what was called during the Fourth Republic, the ‘role of pivotal party’. We cash in on our vote with small advantages here and there. I don’t agree with this way of to make the Republic. It’s totally illegible. Suddenly, they make an alliance with the government, suddenly, they are in the opposition. We cannot play these little political games “he believes.

>> EDITORIAL. Pension reform: LR deputies between discord and total vagueness

This departure of the mayor of Orléans is a new blow for the LRs: it is again a councilor of a city of more than 100,000 inhabitants who leaves the movement, after Christian Estrosi (Nice), Jean-Luc Moudenc ( Toulouse) Arnaud Robinet (Reims) Hubert Falco (Toulon) and Gil Avérous (Châteauroux).

In disagreement with the line of Laurent Wauquiez, Serge Grouard had already decided to leave LR in 2018 before returning in 2019, which had allowed him to be invested for the municipal elections in 2020. He was candidate for the presidency of the party in November 2022. He had not garnered enough sponsorships.

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