Brawls, attacks… Arrests follow one another and small identity groups continue to operate. Grégory Doucet believes that this goes beyond his role as city councilor.
Reading time: 1 min

“What are we going to wait for to truly put an end to the small ultra-right groups that are rampant in Lyon?” the city’s environmentalist mayor Grégory Doucet is annoyed on Wednesday February 14 on France Inter. The councilor thus relaunches his request for the dissolution of these small groups and appeals to the government.
This is not the first time that Grégory Doucet has alerted the executive. He explains that he has already “written three times [ministre de l’Intérieur] Gérald Darmanin and once the President of the Republic”. Deputies in particular from the Rhône “and of all tendencies combined” also sent letters to Gérald Darmanin to demand these dissolutions. Grégory Doucet ensures that “not give up.”
The mayor of Lyon recalls that at the beginning of February “the former spokesperson for the small group Les Remparts [Sishina Milinov] was sentenced to six months in prison following a knife fight” for a racist attack perpetrated outside a Lyon bar. “Nine people close to the ultra-right have just been arrested in Lyon because they participated in an attack on people who were themselves participating in a conference on Palestine”adds Grégory Doucet.
He considers that there is therefore “enough elements to put an end to these groups” and wonders why this has still not been done. “There must be a death?” asks Grégory Doucet, who calls on the government to “to act”. He assures that this goes beyond his role as councilor, evoking the mobilization “municipal police forces, video surveillance cameras to provide evidence for justice. We contribute, we do our work, now the executive must do its own”, he insists. Grégory Doucet believes that “through political voluntarism, through concrete actions, we can put an end to these small groups” identity. He wants a strong message to be sent to them, namely that “the Republic does not want those who act against it” She.