The mayor of Jarnages in Creuse encourages Emmanuel Macron to represent himself

After leading the LREM-MODEM list in Creuse for the regional elections this year, Vincent Turpinat supports a possible candidacy of Emmanuel Macron for a second term. The mayor of Jarnages signs a column in the Sunday Journal this October 21 alongside 600 local elected officials.

Among the signatories, there is notably Edouard Philippe, mayor of Le Havre and former prime minister of Emmanuel Macron, but also Christophe Béchu, mayor of Angers, Caroline Cayeux, mayor of Beauvais, Christian Estrosi, mayor of Nice, and Hubert Falco, mayor of Toulon. “We need continuity and stability”, they explain.

Ile believe that the five-year term that has just ended has been favorable to the territories and municipalities : “This five-year term has indeed enabled our communities to find their rhythm and to better serve our citizens.”

For Vincent Turpinat, reelected for a fourth term in 2020 at the head of Jarnages, it is support without surprises, since he is the departmental referent of the Republic in progress, and deputy of the LREM deputy of the Creuse Jean-Baptiste Moreau.

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