the mayor of Grabels has filed a complaint and calls for “a demonstration of unity”

After being attacked, René Revol filed a complaint and called on France Bleu Hérault on Tuesday for a gathering of all political parties next Saturday, in his town in Grabels (Hérault).

The LFI mayor of Grabels (Hérault), René Revol, filed a complaint on Monday September 25 after being attacked on Saturday September 23 by two individuals, he announced on France Bleu Hérault on Tuesday September 26. He calls for “a demonstration of unity” of all political parties on Saturday September 30 during a rally.

Last Saturday, while returning from a demonstration against police violence in Montpellier, the LFI mayor of Grabels, René Revol, was physically attacked by two individuals. “I had received death threats and insults this summer, including in writing at the town hall. There, another step was taken by threatening me physically, blocking me against a wall and telling me that because I ‘was the friend of the Arabs, I lost nothing by waiting’says the chosen one.

“These are no longer words, but gestures”

“I naturally filed a complaint on Monday morning and the investigations began, announces René Revol. We can disagree with one or the other, but these disagreements must be resolved democratically and not through violence.”

The councilor was not injured but admits to having been “shocked”. “My wife told me a step has been taken, it’s no longer words, but gestures. It must not go any further and for that we must react so I appealed to everyone, all the mayors of the metropolis sent me messages, elected officials, LRs up to Jean-Luc Mélenchon.”

Mathilde Panot joins the call

The mayor organizes a rally on Saturday “as wide as possible against this extreme right-wing violence”. “A lot of people tell me that they will come, it will be a demonstration of unity, of coming together, predicted the city councilor. A lot of mayors, a lot of scarves, a lot of deputies will be there so that we can say this is not possible.”

The leader of her party in the National Assembly, Mathilde Panot, joins the call. “We decided to hold a rally on Saturday at 5 p.m. in Grabels [dans l’Hérault] in support of the mayor”indicated the president of the La France insoumise (LFI) group in the National Assembly, Mathilde Panot, during a press conference on Tuesday. “I would like here, on behalf of my group, to reaffirm all our support and to reaffirm our determination to never lower our eyes in the face of this extreme right-wing violence”. A “big party” of the parliamentary group will be present for this gathering in Hérault.

The mayor filed a complaint with the Castelnau gendarmerie (Hérault). An investigation is opened to try to identify the attackers.

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