the mayor of Florange Rémy Dick wishes to avoid expropriations

In order to unclog the very saturated A31, the project for an A31 bis motorway is currently on the table. Several routes are possible and the mayor of Florange Rémy Dick has its preferences. He was this Thursday morning the guest of France Bleu Lorraine.

Is the project nearing completion?

It is in any case a file on which Rémy Dick is working extensively: “I think I spend a quarter to a third of my time discussing this topic. This is one of the big issues of the start of the school year”.

The project is coming at the end of the administrative part, according to the mayor of Florange. This corresponds to the last phase of consultation, before the State commits the means necessary for the construction of the A31 bis.

Preferred routes

Four routes are possible, including two in tunnel construction. Rémy Dick’s position is clear: “What we want is to avoid expropriations, so we favor a deep tunnel. Either the F4 or the F5”.

The role of the inhabitants

Ten days ago, a collective of inhabitants tale the A31 bis demonstrated in Florange. For Remy Dick, “the mayor must accompany and help the inhabitants to express themselves. It is the expression of the population that will ensure that the elected representatives will be credible in the steering committees”.

This same group is campaigning more for a widening of the current A31, to 2X3 lanes, only solution in his eyes to unclog the motorway to Luxembourg. This is what the Grand Duchy is currently doing on the other side of the border, on the A3.

Another fear of the collective: the toll which could be introduced at Richemont, that is to say for all users who go from Metz to Luxembourg, in particular cross-border workers.

Soon, a new public consultation will be launched. This is to give residents the opportunity to decide on one of the four routes selected.

source site-38