Just under 10,000 sponsorships were validated this Thursday, February 24 by the Constitutional Council while 42,000 elected officials can send a form to validate a presidential candidacy. Several suitors find themselves in difficulty a few days before the end of the procedure. In reaction to the situation, the mayor Les Républicains of Bry-sur-Marne decided to grant his signature to the winner of a poll launched on Twitter.
“Originally, I didn’t want to sponsor a candidate, explains Charles Aslangul, mayor since 2020, I considered and I still consider that my role is to unite the inhabitants rather than divide them. And so, I refuse to import national debates and controversies at the local level.
That being said, it is clear that today there is a democratic scandal on our doorstep with three of the main candidates, Marine Le Pen, Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Eric Zemmour, who are currently prevented from competing. I think it is my responsibility for the coup to sponsor and ensure that these candidates can access the presidential debate.
Internet users can therefore choose between the three candidates on Twitter. An initiative welcomed by Patrick, resident of Bry-sur-Marne: “I think we have to help candidates get their endorsements because it’s not normal that people who have so many votes can’t run for office.”
Other Bryards are more circumspect. “It’s very limited three candidates, regret Dagmar. The majority apparently choose Zemmour, which is a bit surprising for Bry.” Eric would have preferred a city-wide consultation, “There you have to be on Twitter. It only affects a small segment of the population.”
– Marcellin Robin
The mayor evokes a quick solution to put in place during school holidays, with the desire to reach citizens everywhere in France. Result of the poll this Thursday evening, at 7 p.m.