the mayor of Boussy-Saint-Antoine lodges a complaint after receiving death threats in front of his town hall

The elected official discovered a tag on the ground in front of the town hall on Thursday. It was written “SS. Vikings will kill Colas”, which means “SS. The Vikings will kill Colas”.

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The mayor of Boussy-Saint-Antoine (Essonne), Romain Colas, filed a complaint after receiving death threats, reports France Bleu Paris on Friday February 24, who had the information confirmed by the Association of mayors of Ile-de-France (Amif).

The elected official discovered a tag on the ground in front of the town hall on Thursday. It was written “SS. Vikings will kill Colas”, which means “SS. The Vikings will kill Colas”. Romain Colas therefore filed a complaint. On his Facebook page, the mayor of the town wrote in particular: “These behaviors towards elected officials show the contempt of some for our democracy.”

In 2022, outrages, threats and physical violence against elected municipal officials increased by around 15%. About 1,500 attacks on elected officials were recorded last year, according to the Amif.

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