the mayor of Bourseville launches crowdfunding to build a City stadium

In maritime Picardy, the small town of Bourseville wants its city stadium! A multi-sport playground that it plans to install in the center of the village of 715 inhabitants, located near Friville-Escarbotin. For this, the mayor has launched crowdfunding and invites individuals and taxpayers to finance a part, i.e. at least 15,000 euros out of the approximately 90,000 euros that the project costs.

The idea was suggested to him a few weeks ago, failing to obtain the long-awaited subsidy from the State. Indeed, the prefecture refused to finance the project. A cold shower for the indebted municipality: “While paying our loans, we must continue to maintain the municipality and also make it more attractive”, admits Yannick Caux, the mayor. This crowdfunding is the only alternative he has found, in particular following the refusal of the population a year ago who had been consulted for the installation of wind turbines – a project which could have given rise to recipes.

A project awaited by the youngest

A project also necessary for the safety of the youngest. “When you have children aged 12 to 17 wandering the streets aimlessly, with nothing, there is a concern for safety. If we don’t have _no base, activities for children and well we become a dormitory village and I refuse_e”, add the chosen one.

Especially since the youngest are just waiting for this. _We’re a little bored here_. There’s the stadium, but that’s all.” assures Emma, ​​a teenager from the village. So for fun, Maël goes to neighboring towns to find a City stadium. “We are waiting for that with our friends. The work had started, so seeing them stop, we have a little seum”says the young man of 14 years.

The inhabitants ready to put their hands in their pockets

If some admit that it will be difficult for them to participate with the difficulties linked to the crisis, many residents of the area support this project.Yes it’s true that we pay taxes but here we have to do something for young people, it’s a gift for them“, assures Hervé. The town hall also specifies that the donations will be eligible for an income tax reduction of 66% for individuals and 60% for companies.

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