The mayor is wrong | The duty

The greater Quebec City region needs a structuring transportation network, everyone agrees on that. This network must be designed to meet the many challenges of the North Shore and the South Shore. From the beginning, the Ministry of Transport should have piloted this entire file and not yielded to the small interests of Quebec or Lévis.

We can see what it has given. A Régis Labeaume who fiercely and selfishly defends a tramway project that does not hold water and which dismisses the concerns of the City of Lévis. A project that came from Anne Guérette by the way… And there, Mayor Marchand also fell into the trap of steeple wars and small municipal jurisdictions. It is pathetic !

The tram will have to be used in Quebec especially… affirms the mayor Marchand. Ridiculous! As if life stopped at the edge of bridges. René Lévesque Boulevard becomes the center of attraction of a 4 billion dollar project whose objective is to improve traffic flow in the region as a whole. It is time for the mayor and the oppositions in the National Assembly to think a little and look at the forest, and not the tree. A little logic, please!

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