the Mayennais Marc Madiot, general manager of the Groupama-FDJ cycling team

Before the first round of the presidential election, we asked people from Mayenne who have made the news in recent months to put on the virtual costume of President of the Republic. This Wednesday, the Mayennais Marc Madiot, general manager of Groupama-FDJ, wants a reform of sport.

France Bleu Mayenne gives the floor to the people of Mayenne which have made the news in recent months. Before the first round of the presidential election this Sunday, April 10, they agreed to put themselves in the shoes of a President of the Republic.

“I, President”, a series in five episodes

Caroline Bremaud, the head of the emergency department at Laval hospital, was the first to take on this role of President of the Republic on Monday, April 6. This Tuesday, Mickael Renaudthe manager of the Giants sawmill in Craon, did this exercise. This Wednesday, place in Mayennais Marc Madiot, general manager of the Groupama-FDJ cycling team to give his first steps if he were elected president.

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