A fireworks display. The Feria de l’Atlantique ended in style this Sunday, September 4, 2022 in the arenas of Bayonne three-quarters full. On the sand of Lachepaillet no less than seven ears have been cut off from the serious, heavy, but also mobile and brave cattle of the Garcigrande ganaderia. It was the third and last bullfight of the Bayonne cycle.
If the Spaniard Paco Ureña gets away with only one trophy (second bull), it is because of his problems when killing his two opponents. Copies just as admirable as those of the other matadors of the day. But sometimes, that little something that makes the difference is missing. On the other hand, his compatriot Miguel Ángel Perera showed off his classic and effective bullfighting. Two ears, one for each of his bulls, reward his performance.
– Paul Nicolai
Colombo masters the investigation of the day
Dressed in red and gold, the Venezuelan Jesús Enrique Colombo won over the public with his flamboyant and often atypical bullfighting. On your knees with the cape when entering the bull ring, epic and communicative with the banderillas, determined and creative with the muleta, the 25-year-old bullfighter, knew how to get the public close, but also the presidency. Two rather generous ears for his first fighter, then two others for the ultimate horned, to whom he offered a well-deserved lap. The Feria de l’Atlantique could not have dreamed of a better ending.
– Paul Nicolai
– Paul Nicolai
– Paul Nicolai