the mask will no longer be compulsory in closed places subject to the vaccination pass from February 28


Video length: 2 min.


Article written by

C. Sinz, N. Coadou, G. Michel, L. Haedrich, T. Breton, A. D’Abrigeon – France 2

France Televisions

February 28 will mark the end of the mandatory mask in closed places subject to the vaccination pass. A new stage which calls for others, if the health situation continues to improve. The health protocol at school will also be lightened from the start of the school year.

The mask will soon no longer be compulsory to move around, it’s a relief for everyone. “For me, the world is face to face, it’s watching my customers smile“, says chef Damien Duquesne, restaurateur in Paris. In sports halls too, no more masks, with the hope of resuming normal activity.

Museums, theaters, performance halls, and of course cinemas: in these places the mask will no longer be imposed from February 28, on presentation of a vaccination pass. The mask will remain compulsory in all transport. With the drop in contamination, the vaccine pass could also disappear at the end of March, or mid-April, as confirmed by Jean Castex, guest in the 13 Hours newspaper. In schools too, the protocol is lightened, on the return from school holidays.

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