the mask will become compulsory from 6 years old in many public places from Monday

This concerns in particular public transport, establishments open to the public, sports arenas, places of worship and public roads where required. Until then, wearing a mask was compulsory from the age of 11.

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The rules are getting tougher. Children from 6 years old will be concerned by the wearing of the mask in a certain number of public places, from monday 3 january, according to a decree of Friday December 31 published Saturday in Official newspaper. The wearing of the mask has so far concerned children from 11 years old, except at school where children attending primary school were also concerned.

This measure will affect from Monday for the start of the new school year several million children, from CP to CM2, in the departments where the prefect has taken such an order. This concerns, for the moment, about fifty departments in France. This is the case for almost all of Ile-de-France, particularly in Paris, in Loire-Atlantique or even in the North.

This new rule applies in particular in public transport, establishments open to the public, sports arenas, places of worship and outdoors when the wearing of a mask is required there by the prefect, according to the decree.

This new restriction measure was taken by the health defense council on Monday, Matignon told franceinfo. However, it was not the subject of any announcement at a press conference following this health defense council. The Prime Minister’s services defend themselves from any “communication error”. They tell Franceinfo that it is a measure “consistent” with the level of circulation of the virus in 6-11 year olds and the fact that children already wear the mask from CP. That’s not a “major rule change”, which explains “the silence” of the Prime Minister on this measure, indicates the entourage of the latter.

As announced by Jean Castex at the end of December, the text published on Saturday in the Official Journal also provides for the ban until January 23 inclusive of the sale and consumption of food during train journeys within the metropolitan territory, the establishment of ‘a tonnage of 2,000 people in indoor sports establishments and 5,000 in open-air establishments, the ban on standing concerts or even arrangements for quarantining travelers.

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