the mask, surgical or FFP2, recommended to avoid any risk of symptoms


France 3

Article written by

J. Lonchampt, M. Anglade, V. Lejeune – France 3

France Televisions

It could be very helpful in lessening the effects of allergies. The mask, worn for many months to protect against Covid-19, presents itself as the ally of the 15 million adults who, at this time of year, are living a nightmare.

Sunny days don’t just make people happy. With the return of spring, flowering and pollen, some prefer to keep their mask outdoors. A solution to avoid allergies. “I put the mask back on for two, three days, I prefer, it’s a security”says an allergy-prone passer-by. Another prefers to keep the mask outside until late spring.

For the past few days, the pollen alert in France has been high, in the majority of metropolitan departments. The 30% of French people affected by allergies are concerned. In question, birches, oaks or cypresses. So to avoid any risk of symptoms, some allergists recommend wearing a mask, surgical or FFP2. The high risk of allergies could still last in the coming days, with the sunny weather, which promotes the dispersion of pollen in the air.

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