the mask is no longer “compulsory” in transport but remains “recommended” for the most fragile, assures Jean-Baptiste Djebbari

The Minister Delegate for Transport assures that “it is the right time to both lift the mandatory nature and continue to recommend it for fragile people or those who feel the need to wear it.”

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The mask will no longer be “mandatory” from May 16 in public transport but it will continue to be “recommended” for “the fragile people”assures Jean-Baptiste Djebbari, Minister Delegate for Transport, Wednesday May 11 on franceinfo.

It confirms the end of the mandatory mask in “all modes of transport, trains, coaches, Maladie/coronavirus/buses, planes” in France from May 16. He assures that “It’s the right time to both lift the mandatory nature and continue to recommend it for those who are fragile people or who feel the need to wear it.”

For planes, Jean-Baptiste Djebbari claims to have worked “for several weeks with the European aviation authority and from next Monday the States will enshrine in their law that the mask also becomes recommended for airplanes. The idea is that at European level, in the coming days, we can have a mask recommended but no longer mandatory.

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