the mask is making a comeback indoors in primary schools


France 2

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The health protocol is noted in primary schools: wearing a mask will be compulsory in class and at recess.

New turn of the screw for primary schools: they will move to level 3 of the health protocol. In question, the meteoric progression of the epidemic in children, in particular 6-10 years old. Their incidence rate has now reached 918 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, more than double the incidence rate for all ages combined. From Thursday, December 9, the mask will again be mandatory outdoors, as is the case today, as indoors.

A ineffective measure, according to some specialists. The mixing of pupils by level and by class must also be reduced to a minimum, contact sports limited and collective catering times reorganized. But in reality, these are difficult rules to apply. “We have a lot of students who are together at other times than the class”, explains Guilaine David, co-secretary general and spokesperson for Snuipp-Fsu. The 360,000 most fragile children, aged 5 to 11, will be able to be vaccinated from December 15, a recommendation from the High Authority of Health.

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