The martyrdom of Amiens in Toulouse (6-0)

The level difference erupted at the Stadium. Amiens lost 6-0 on the lawn of Toulouse, the leader of Ligue 2. Quickly overtaken and led 3-0 at the break, the Picards really sank to ten against eleven after the expulsion of Emmanuel Lomotey.

For this match against the leader, Philippe Hinschberger had to deal with many absences and in particular that of his captain, Mateo Pavlovic. Returning last Saturday after a six-month convalescence, Mathieu Dossevi helped him out on the right lane of defense while the duo Aliou Badji Tolu was again aligned at the forefront of the attack.

It was the Toulousains, no doubt upset by their big defeat (4-1) in Caen who attacked this meeting foot to the floor. Branco Vand den Boomen tried his luck with a full-axis strike in the 4th minute, but Regis Gurtner diverted the ball for a corner with a superb tap.

Amiens panics and sinks

After a badly negotiated free kick by Kader Bamba, Toulouse really accelerated and Amiens paid dearly for it. On a meteoric rise of Rasmus Nicolaisen, Rhys Healey opened the scoring (10th) and scored his 14th goal since the start of the season (1-0).

A minute later, Formosa Mendy tackled to return the ball for a corner. But the Senegalese defender scored against his side (2-0). A catastrophic start to the match for the Amiens who showed a lot of fragility and even panic. And who could even have conceded a third goal in the 18th, but Regis Gurtner slammed Rhys Healey’s shot.

Amiens led 3-0 at the break

At the Ligue 2 leader, the Amiens sank. Nathan Ngoumou took advantage of a ball released by Regis Gurtner, author of a new stop to score the third goal at the half hour mark (3-0). The Picards were ultra dominated during the first 45 minutes and suffered the law of the Toulouse steamroller, not leader of Ligue 2 for nothing.

From the start of the second period, Toulouse again showed much more strength against clumsy Picards, like Tolu who constantly slipped. At 51′, the referee took a harsh decision by sanctioning a pass from Emmanuel Lomotey in withdrawal for Regis Gurtner. Anthony Rouault therefore whistled a free kick on the line of 5’50m. A free kick transformed with great composure by Branco Van den Boomendespite the presence of the entire Picardy team in the cage (4-0).

The nightmare of the Amiens

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And the nightmare did not stop there for Amiens. On the heels of the fourth goal, Emmanuel Lomotey, already warned in the first period received a second yellow card for a dangerous game. The Ghanaian left his partners ten against eleven against the Toulouse armada.

It was enough for Téfécé who scored a fifth goal thanks to the inevitable Rhys Healey (5-0). The Welshman, from the head came to deceive Régis Gurtner on a powerful cross from Moussa Diarra. Amiens is in 12th place. And the next match will take place on Saturday for the Picards, with the reception of Dijon.

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