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In Marseille, the transport authority has just set up a device for the visually impaired. The objective is to simplify their journeys in the metro, thanks to an application.
Gerard Tidesblind, is a Marseille metro user (Bouches-du-Rhone). He uses, in the presence of a team from France Télévisions, Saturday April 30, a new application. In the test phase, the commissioning of the application is scheduled for next week. The user lets himself be guided by a voice, which helps him for each difficult passage.
Before Marseille, the city of New York (United States) also tested the application, in real conditions. Out of service in the carriages, it resumes as soon as the doors open. Gerard Tides is delighted: he arrived at his destination safely and without incident. “Everything went well. Calm, don’t rush, but it’s good, it’s over“, he confides to the journalists of France Télévisions.