The Marseille judicial police show their dissatisfaction with the reform

Nearly 200 judicial police demonstrated this Thursday morning in front of the Marseille police station in the 2nd arrondissement. They oppose the reform carried out by the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin.

“No to the DDPN”, “don’t touch my PJ”, can we read on the black t-shirts of the judicial police present in front of the Bishop’s Palace.

They were nearly 200 to demonstrate this Thursday morning contre the reform, led by the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin, and supported by Frédéric Veaux, director general of the national police. It plans to place all police services – intelligence, public security, border police (PAF) and judicial police (PJ) – under the same departmental director. This reorganization could harm, according to the demonstrators, their investigations.

In front of the Marseille police station, Thomas, head of the Ofast group (anti-narcotics office) confides in the microphone of Lucie Nuttin, our journalist present on the spot.

With regard to the investigation, of which the judicial police is the most specialized, it will be merged with the investigation services of the police stations and public security. In doing so, we will be asked to strengthen our friends in public security, and we will therefore have less time to carry out our investigations and our missions.”, explains the policeman.

A confirmed concern by Franck Faraci, SGP Police unit investigation delegate: “Police officers who are interested in serious crime are afraid that the future DDPN will drown them in current public security files, which will result in abandoning serious crime. They fear that they will no longer have the time and the means to work on it.”

This question is not the only one in the minds of the judicial police. “Since the beginning of this project, the information has been vague, nothing has really been acted upon. The police wonder what will become of them, especially the pjists. Will they have to deal with everyday incivilities? Will they undergo geographical changes, with the openings and closings of services? ”he continues.

The choice of the date of the demonstration of the day is not the fruit of the hard. Frédéric Veaux was at the Palais du Pharo this morning, and is expected this afternoon at the police station. A meeting was scheduled for 2 p.m. with the trade unions.

video length: 09sec

Demonstration of the judicial police in front of the Bishopric

©Lucie Nuttin

Colleagues from Montpellier, Toulon, Nice, Nîmes and even Avignon came to support the Marseille judicial police, so that the message was heard by the government and by Frédéric Veaux. “Reforms are all well and good, but once again, we don’t think about the human”, regrets Franck Faraci.

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