The Marseillais: No sex before marriage, an ex-candidate makes vows of chastity

A former candidate for Marseilles (W9) opened up to an open heart in an Insta story on Sunday August 7, 2022. The young woman in question made revelations about her romantic situation and, in passing, revealed that she had made vows of chastity.

It was in 2017 that Haneia was revealed to the general public in Angels 9 (NRJ12). She had joined the adventure as an anonymous angel and very quickly, she stood out for her strong character. She was then called to participate in season 2 of the Marseillais VS The rest of the world the same year during which she became a couple with Kevin Guedj, then for The Princes and Princesses of Love in 2021. She had completed the adventure with Dylan Roux, an idyll that did not last. She had found him during the last season of the Marseillais this year.

Since then, Haneia has found love in the arms of another man as she revealed last weekend. If she did not wish to present it, the young woman of 32 years made some confidences: “For those who ask me in pm why I’m still alone. I’m in a relationship and it’s recent, it’s someone from my church. So yes, we’re sleeping apart and we’re waiting for the wedding. He’s all the best for me and unlike my father or any man I’ve known“, she first confided. She then revealed that she had done”a lot of sacrifice” lately. “I took vows of chastity, abstinence from all substances harmful to my body – no alcohol, no cigarettes – sports and hard work. It was scary at first, because my brain sometimes rebelled. II cried a lot, I made important decisions that paralyzed me but in the end, it paid off. I forgave my father his weakness and accepted my childhood“, she concluded.

Remember that Haneia had a complicated relationship with her dad. When she was 4 years old, her dad went to live in Egypt. She and her mom went there for a year. “I saw him one or two weeks each time I went to Egypt. And I pretended that everything was fine but the ties were very distant (…) I didn’t dare ask him questions or hurt him. I also pretended to be happy to see him“, she had however specified during an interview for Sam Zirah. This distance had created an emotional lack in the reality TV candidate who, in addition, had to face the death of her dad when she was 20 years old. . “There are too many things we should have talked about, breaking taboos. I didn’t really cry for his death but more for everything that happened in our lives. (…) I felt guilty. I questioned myself. I should have spent more time with him. Since he died, I feel like I have a guardian angel“, she had concluded.

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