The Marseillais: A candidate facing a sudden weight loss, alarming secrets about her health

The return to France did not take place under the best auspices for Giuseppa Ciurleo. The candidate of Marseillais (W9) spoke to her followers on Snapchat. And the news was hardly encouraging.

For the past few weeks, the 20-year-old reality TV contestant has been in Mexico. She joined her companion Paga, for the filming of the new season of Marseillais. And good news for their fans, the lovebirds always spin the perfect love. If she was afraid that her beloved and stretched out the trunk when he was alone there, Giuseppa was quickly reassured.

It is therefore hand in hand that they made their return to France. And we can say that their trip was eventful. “I’m at the airport. We have arrived in France. I will resume the stories as usual. I have plenty to tell you. Crazy stuff happened to us. It was a real pain. We had a trip of more than 48 hours. A disaster, I cried all the tears in my body. I can’t wait to find my mother“, she confided on December 20.

And on the 21st, Giuseppa made a revelation about his state of health. Worried, the young woman went to the doctor. “We’re heading to the doctor. I lost 6 kilos so I think I have a little health problem. I think I am going to need to be monitored and controlled because I have had sudden weight loss. And I do not feel very well. We are really going to have to deal with this“, she said before consulting. Once out, she explained that she had to do tests, among which a blood test and a scanner. No doubt that she will give news to her fans as soon as possible. .

In the meantime, she can count on Paga to support her. It was during the filming of the final season of Marseillais VS The Rest of the World that both are in a relationship. Since then, they haven’t left each other.

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