All summer, in “It’s my job”, portraits of companies that are committed to the ecological transition. Monday, July 10, the portrait of Raphaëlla Nolleau, who launched Yacon & Co, a business that sells ground pear, the yacon.
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It is a newcomer to reduce its consumption of sugar, the production of which has collateral ecological damage: the yacon. Four times less sweet than real sugar and, inside, as much fiber as broccoli.
>> It’s my job, on the way to the ecological transition: a start-up to better manage construction waste
“It is a plant that looks a little bit like a tuber, a potato or a sweet potato. When you extract its juice and concentrate it, it gives a syrup that tastes very sweet, but without the harmful effects of sugar“, says Raphaëlla Nolleau, who launched Yacon &Co, which highlights “the earthen pear”.
For the moment, we have to bring the yacon syrup from the other side of the world, but that will change in a few months: “Basically, it comes from Peru, but we are in the process of creating a French yacon sector“, confides Raphaëlla Nollea.It will be in Brittany that the 100% French yacon will grow, which will be processed in Vichy.
Raphaëlla Nolleau discovered the yacon because she had health problems. Consultant, she often nibbled on unhealthy products. Today, if the product can already be found in organic stores, the young start-up of 21 people is working to make its products known and it is preparing the next variation of its magic plant for the start of the school year.