The market tour with David Ciré “A chef at home” in partnership with France Terre de Lait.

In partnership with France Terre de Lait, we are live from the covered market in Metz for a program where we give the floor to producers, processors, cheese makers… women and men in the dairy industry, and our listeners.

The fully equipped France Bleu mobile kitchen is made available to David Ciré “A chef at home” his challenge …Prepare a meal for 6-8 people with the products he will have bought on the market, including two products dairy, unavoidable.

The menu should include a starter, a main course and a dessert.

The three dishes will be concocted with a budget of 30 euros and be ready to eat at the end of the show, i.e. two hours in total for

France Bleu short circuit media, committed media!

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