the many challenges awaiting Rishi Sunak, the new Prime Minister


France 3

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The mission promises to be delicate for the new British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak. Journalist Diana Schliengerlive from London, Tuesday October 25, explains that he will have to face many challenges, after he was officially appointed by King Charles III.

The new British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, was officially appointed by King Charles III on Tuesday 25 October. “Rishi Sunak has just left Buckingham Palace. King Charles III has asked him to form a government, and within minutes Rishi Sunak will address the nation for the first time as Prime Minister.”explains journalist Diane Schliengerlive from London (UK).

“His mandate promises to be complicated. [Lundi], he told Tory MPs: ‘It’s time to unite or die.’ It may sound radical, but Rishi Sunak is already the third Conservative Prime Minister in just two months. His challenges are enormous, and he knows he needs to unite his party behind him in order to be able to govern and launch reforms. There is urgency since the British economy is bloodless, the financial markets are not reassured, inflation is exploding”continues the journalist.

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