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3:24 p.m. : It remains to be seen what the CGT will decide to do. The union is calling for the opening of negotiations tomorrow.
3:22 p.m. : Perhaps the end of the protest movement which has been disrupting the delivery of fuel for ten days. In a press release, the management of TotalEnergies proposes to advance “in the month ofoctober” the wage negotiations initially scheduled for November. On one condition: that the CGT lift all the blockages. To date, three of the six French refineries are disrupted.
3:16 p.m. : TotalEnergies says it is ready to negotiate wages from October on condition that the blockages end. Follow our live.
2:15 p.m. : The scene took place last Wednesday in the line of vehicles at the entrance to a service station in Saint-Julien-en-Genevois (Haute-Savoie). A 20-year-old motorist stabbed a Swiss driver for overtaking him. The assailant was remanded in custody.
2:04 p.m. : 2 p.m. on the clock, here is a new summary of the news:
While many service stations are experiencing supply disruptions, the CGT announces that the strike at TotalEnergies and ExxonMobil is renewed. Follow our live.
Elisabeth Borne flew to Algeria at midday. Objective of this two-day visit: to give “a new impetus” to the reconciliation initiated in August by the presidents of the two countries. She is accompanied by 15 ministers, nearly half of her government.
“More ruthless strikes on peaceful people”. Volodymyr Zelensky reacts to the strike which killed at least 17 people in Zaporizhia last night. Follow our live.
#FOOTBALL A raised group. France will face the Netherlands, Ireland, Greece and Gibraltar in the Euro 2024 qualifiers.
He was considered one of the figures of ecological thought: sociologist and philosopher Bruno Latour died last night at the age of 75.
1:37 p.m. : A reason for this, @Zeboute : the blocking of the Flandres oil depot, near Dunkirk. Since September 26, no truck can leave the storage site which contains half of the regional capacity. Consequence: almost all TotalEnergies stations in the region are closed.
1:14 p.m. : Chti from the north I have a question: why is the north particularly affected by the shortage? Thanks !
1:07 p.m. : Yesterday noon, one in five service stations experienced supply difficulties, reported the Ministry of Energy Transition. Faced with this situation, several prefectures have decided to take measures, either restrictions or priority access for security and emergency services. We have detailed everything in a map.
1:08 p.m. : The “yes, but” of Aurore Bergé about the strike in the refineries. On BFMTV, the president of the Renaissance group in the National Assembly believes “it’s normal for employees to demand to take advantage [des bénéfices records de TotalEnergies]“. But the member of the majority nevertheless regrets that the CGT “prevents some French people from getting supplies” in fuel.
1:09 p.m. : A smell of potatoes invites itself to the writing. This is proof that it is noon. Here is a new summary of the news:
The strike movement is renewed at TotalEnergies and ExxonMobil, announces the CGT. Already ten days that several French refineries and fuel depots have been shut down, leading to supply disruptions at service stations. Follow our live.
“More ruthless strikes on peaceful people”. Volodymyr Zelensky reacts to the strike which killed at least 17 people in Zaporizhia last night. Follow our live.
A first trip abroad for the Prime Minister. Elisabeth Borne begins a two-day visit to Algeria today to give “a new impetus” to the reconciliation initiated in August by the presidents of the two countries. She is accompanied by 16 ministers, nearly half of her government.
He was considered one of the figures of ecological thought: sociologist and philosopher Bruno Latour died last night at the age of 75.
11:57 : In addition, the two sites of the American Esso-ExxonMobil in Normandy and Fos-sur-Mer (Bouches-du-Rhone) are also “still at a total stop on Sunday”explains the elected CGT Christophe Aubert, who ensures that “nothing comes out of the refineries” since this morning.
1:12 p.m. : “In the absence of a response from the general management” to the open letter addressed yesterday to the CEO of the group, “the movement has been renewed everywhere”explains Eric Sellini, CGT coordinator at TotalEnergies.
The following are therefore still shut down: the group’s largest refinery, based in Normandy, that of Feyzin (Rhône), the La Mède biorefinery (Bouches-du-Rhône) and the Flandres fuel depot, near Dunkirk ( North).
1:13 p.m. : The CGT renews its strike action at TotalEnergies and ExxonMobil.
11:29 : It would also seem that many of you want to connect to the website of the Ministry of the Economy to look for fuel sales outlets. First, it gets stuck:

11:26 : More fuel for 20km around in the Val d Oise. Gendarmerie at the stations located on the Ile-de-France to allow priority vehicles to be supplied, as in the south of the Oise. I drive on LPG I’m not complaining but I saw desperate faces. Delivery announced tomorrow without further details. Good Sunday
11:26 : In the comments, @Florence tells us about his misadventure of the day when he arrives at the service station.
1:37 p.m. : Not yet, @total energies. For those who did not follow, the CGT yesterday proposed to the boss of the French energy group to limit its demands to the question of wage increases to start negotiations tomorrow. This morning, three of the six French refineries are still shut down.
09:59 : Hello FranceInfo! Did the boss of Total respond to the CGT on the proposal to enter into negotiations on Monday? Thanks