“The management of the company has come to shirk its responsibilities”, reacts a member of the Social Affairs Commission

The new CEO of Orpea, Philippe Charrier, as well as the Director General France, Jean-Christophe Romersi, were heard before the Social Affairs Commission of the National Assembly, Wednesday, February 2.

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“The management of the company has come to shirk its responsibilities”estimated Wednesday February 2 on franceinfo Pierre Dharréville, PCF deputy for the 13th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône, member of the Social Affairs Commission, after the hearing of the CEO of the Orpea group in the National Assembly who denies the existence of a “system” to “ration” benefits.

>> Suspicions of abuse at Orpea: we summarize the controversy in nine acts after the revelations of the book Les Fossoyeurs

“She explained that it was ultimately the fault of a few errors, the fault of the employees of the companysays the deputy. It’s unheard of, there’s a system behind it and that’s what management is trying to hide.”

“There is a desire to make maximum profit from the care of our alumni and the accommodation of our alumni in nursing homes. The staff is a victim of this.”

Pierre Dharréville, PCF deputy for the 13th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône

at franceinfo

The CEO should have “acknowledge that there were a number of problems and that they were going to give themselves the means to deal with themsaid Pierre Dharréville. I’m not surprised at what we found. As early as 2017, I questioned the government about dysfunctions in these establishments. But the system is made like that. They are responsible for fetching dividends.”

Orpea underwent “93 checks in 2016 and 10 in 2021. We can clearly see that the State must meet its responsibilities. There are things to look at more closely.” A commission of inquiry with “strong powers” should be put in place, said Pierre Dharréville.

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