Jean Bassères, provisional administrator of the Grande École, refuses, as certain students are demanding, to create a working group on relations between the establishment and Israeli universities.
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Discussions did take place at Sciences Po Paris, Thursday May 2, a week after the mobilization students, activists and supporters of the establishment’s Palestine committee. “It was a tough debate, with fairly clear positions, a lot of emotion”, declared Jean Bassères, provisional administrator of the establishment, after these two hours of discussion, reserved for students and employees. “I now hope that everyone will regain their calm (…) and that we will look out for each other.”

VIDEO. Jean Bassères, provisional administrator of Sciences-Po Paris
The administrator has “was able to clarify a certain number of points, with two commitments” taken previously: the need to launch internal reflection at Sciences Po to “to build a doctrine on whether or not Sciences Po should take positions on major political subjects” And “an ambitious plan” For “live better together within” from school.
“Absolute priority” in exams
On the other hand, Jean Bassères has “very clearly refused the creation of a working group proposed by certain students to investigate our relations with Israeli universities and even companies which are our financial partners”, he said. Current governance “has fairly clear internal rules on these subjects”declared the provisional administrator. “I refused the creation of this working group and I already know that this will provoke reactions from some.”
As for the suspension of funding to the school by the Ile-de-France region (around 1 million euros), announced by its president (LR) Valérie Pécresse on Monday, he repeated that he wanted to meet her for the “reassure one’s concerns”. “I personally cannot accept the idea that the attitude of a minority of students could penalize the 15,000 students at Sciences Po”.
Echoing the growing mobilization in the United States, actions have multiplied in France, mainly on the Sciences Po sites, in Paris and in the regions, and in a few universities. All in an electric political context, in the middle of the European campaign, La France insoumise being notably accused by the right of“instrumentalization” movement. “Top priority”believes for his part Jean Bassères, is “to initiate the examinations which are planned” starting Monday.