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The descendants of the “Despite Us”, these French soldiers enlisted by force by the Germans during the Second World War and then prisoners and dead in Russia, can no longer pray at their graves. Report from Tambov.
It is a page of French history that they protect, in the middle of the Russian forest. Near Tambov (Russia), nearly 1,300 Alsatian and Lorraine soldiers were officially buried. The figure is probably five to ten times higher. These “despite us” were forcibly incorporated into the German army, and taken prisoner by the Red Army. “It is one of the largest camps in the Soviet Union“, explains Valéry Tcherkezov, historian.
The war in Ukraine prevents contemplation
Soldiers who survived captivity were released after the war. The last returned to France in 1955. The place was rediscovered when the Soviet Union fell. The wooden barracks of the camp have disappeared. Only a few photos bear witness to the terrible living conditions of the “Despite Us”, especially in winter. For 30 years, Valéry Tcherkezov and a handful of colleagues have watched over the graves. In Alsace, an association is still in contact with the volunteers of Tambov. Marlène Dietrich, daughter of “Malgré-Nous”, no longer dares to go there since the conflict in Ukraine.