the majority proposes to “almost double” the taxation of kerosene, claiming “a pragmatic ecology”

Renaissance deputies are preparing to table an amendment so that the taxation of kerosene, which supplies private jets, is aligned with the taxation of everyday fuel. “Today, the tax on these non-commercial business jets is 42.13 euros, it is to be increased to 76.82 euros” (…) for “that everyone can participate in the effort”, to the fight against climate change, says Jean-Marc Zulesi, MP for Bouches-du-Rhône, who originated this idea. He defends “a structural measure”which fits “in a pragmatic ecology, on the ground”. The amendment will be debated next week in the National Assembly for implementation on January 1, if adopted.

franceinfo: What is the purpose of this amendment?

Jean-Marc Zulesi: It seemed important to us that users of private jets can also contribute to the fight against global warming. The idea is therefore to increase the internal consumption tax on energy products, the famous TICPE, and to align it with what is done on everyday fuel, the fuel of motorists. By increasing the tax on kerosene, it is a question of ensuring that everyone can participate in the effort.

How much is the current kerosene tax on private jets?

Today, the tax on these non-commercial business jets is 42.13 euros, it is to be increased to 76.82 euros. It’s not a symbol, it’s a structural measure that makes it possible to empower everyone. We are not in the ban, these are measures applicable on the ground. We are not in facade ecology, we are truly in a pragmatic ecology, on the ground, which provides solutions.

Do you think that will be enough of a deterrent?

We are not talking about a few euros more, it is about almost doubling this tax. And I think, yes, it’s a deterrent. This reveals our desire, not to ban because we cannot ban just for banning, but to empower and strive for a much more exemplary approach for the planet, the environment, for the fight against global warming. climatic.

France can, alone, impose a tax?

The idea is to move forward at European level, that’s the right level. But when we cannot move forward at European level, we can have initiatives on non-commercial aviation, like the one I am proposing. We will have the debate next week in the National Assembly and, if this amendment is adopted, the idea is that it applies to January 1, 2023.

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