According to information from franceinfo, the deputies who are members of the RN categorically exclude validating the report. Sixteen deputies from Renaissance, Modem, Horizons and LR ask the committee’s rapporteur, LFI Aurélien Saintoul, to withdraw almost half of his proposals.
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The majority of the 30 members of the parliamentary commission of inquiry into TNT, which was to submit its report to the government on Tuesday May 7, refuses to sign the text as it stands, disagreeing with the conclusions of the rapporteur, the deputy La France rebellious Aurélien Saintoul, Franceinfo learned from corroborating sources.
Since its launch in December at the initiative of LFI deputies, the commission of inquiry, which has thirty members, has interviewed the heads of audiovisual groups, including Vincent Bolloré, as well as journalists and presenters such as Pascal Praud (CNews), Cyril Hanouna (C8) and Yann Barthès (TMC). Hearings scrutinized by the media regulator, Arcom, which will have to decide at the end of the year whether C8 and CNews keep their frequencies.
According to information from franceinfo, the deputies who are members of the National Rally categorically exclude validating the report, considering that the commission was openly hostile to Vincent Bolloré. For their part, 16 deputies from Renaissance, Modem, Horizons and Les Républicains are trying to compromise and will send an email to the commission’s rapporteur, LFI Aurélien Saintoul, to ask him to withdraw 19 of his 43 proposals. If they do not win their case, they will not sign and the report will be buried, the conclusions will go to the Archives for 25 years. In this case, this commission would therefore have been held for nothing, and the 45 hearings would be useless.
Proposals deemed off-topic
Among the recommendations that these elected officials reject include the ban on news channels having editorialists on the air, the end of paid DTT (which includes five channels including Canal+) or the banning of cartoons before the school, or even the end of free broadcasting (publishers should pay a royalty based on their turnover). Proposals that the signatories of the text consider unacceptable and even dangerous for press freedom and the future of digital terrestrial television. Other proposals are even considered irrelevant, such as the renunciation of the public broadcasting holding project.
Whatever the rapporteur’s response, the parliamentarians of the presidential majority intend to make their own recommendations in a few days. For example, they want to impose a quota of reports in the programs of news channels, establish a new scale of sanctions that Arcom could impose or even the early renewal of a frequency as soon as a certain number of sanctions have been pronounced. against a chain.