The Renaissance MP from Paris was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Sunday December 17, 2023.
Reading time: 9 min

For an agreement to be found on the immigration bill, “everyone must do their part”, underlines Astrid Panosyan-Bouvet, Renaissance deputy for Paris, this Sunday, December 17 on franceinfo. For this reason, “there is also an effort to be made on our side”, that of the Macronist camp, she recognizes. Historical walker, she wants to believe that “this possible path [pour arriver à un compromis avec la droite] will not be to the detriment of the unity of the majority”.
The risk of seeing it split is, however, real. The joint committee meets Monday December 18 at 5 p.m. If a text that is too right-wing comes out, it is possible that several votes will be missing, in the Macronist camp, during the vote on Tuesday, December 19. As the talks enter their home stretch, Astrid Panosyan-Bouvet says she is optimistic. “I trust Ms. Borne who is leading the negotiations today”, she says. The Prime Minister meets the main leaders of the Republicans in Matignon, this Sunday at 7 p.m.
Residence permits for professions in tension at the heart of negotiations
“I think there is enough room for maneuver to tighten the screws without calling into question our Republican pact”, adds the Parisian elected official. Asked about the regularization of undocumented workers in professions in shortage, she assures that “Faculty” for them “to be able to initiate these procedures without prior authorization” from their boss “will be maintained” in the text.
For her, “the main subject was to lift the boss’s prior authorization”. As for the discretionary power granted to the prefect for these regularizations, introduced by the senators, it does not “not interfere”. She “I think this is also a desirable compromise that must be accepted”. The Assembly’s law committee, led by Sacha Houlié, herald of the left wing of Macronie, returned to this point.
Find the entire “8:30 a.m. franceinfo” from Sunday December 17, 2023 :