“The majority is not made up of a single group, but of three”, recalls the president of the Horizons group

Some deputies of the party created by Edouard Philippe believe that the presidential Renaissance party seeks more to make agreements with Les Républicains rather than with them or the Modem.

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“The government must take into account that this majority is not made up of just one group, nor of two, but of three”, declared Monday, July 25 on franceinfo Laurent Marcangeli, leader of the Horizons deputies and deputy of Corse-du-Sud. The elected officials of the party created by former Prime Minister Edouard Philippe denounce in particular the solitary management of the Renaissance group (ex-LREM) in the hemicycle.

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Some of these deputies consider in particular that the presidential party deals more with Les Républicains than with its allies of Modem and Horizons. “There were a few small mistakes” on the part of the Renaissance deputies, denounces Laurent Marcangeli, “and I hope they won’t happen again in the future.”

According to him, the majority “need for more consultation, more cross-functionality. The groups of the majority must organize themselves to work together”. Laurent Marcangeli finally points “the need to prepare the texts in depth to ensure that any agreements made with the oppositions are known to everyone when we are in the hemicycle”.

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