The majority facing the Abad affair, Emmanuel Macron on the move and the battle for the legislative elections…

The themes

– The majority facing the Abad problemPrime Minister Elisabeth Borne arrested.

– Emmanuel Macron in Romania and Moldova, will he go to kyiv? A bad move?

– At D-4 of the 2nd round, Jean-Luc Mélenchon is trying to mobilize the abstentionists, the left deprived of voice reserves? The right still hopes to play a role.

The guests

Saveria Rojekjournalist and political columnist, author of “Resurrection”, story on the re-election of Emmanuel Macron, published by Stock

Marie-Virginie Kleincommunications consultant, founder of the Iconic agency, author of “Women leaders, how they dared”, at Plon

Stephane VernayParis editorial director of Ouest-France

Francois Reynaertjournalist and writer, columnist for the Obs, author of “Roger, hero, traitor and sodomite”, published by Fayard

source site-29
