the majority demands that the deputies present on Saturday be sanctioned

The presidents of the Renaissance, Horizons and MoDem groups sent a letter to Yaël Braun-Pivet along these lines.



Reading time : 1 min.

Assa Traoré, sister of Adama Traoré, speaks to the press, Place de la République, in Paris, July 8, 2023. (VALERIE DUBOIS / HANS LUCAS / AFP)

“We cannot tolerate such acts for representatives of the nation.” The three presidents of the groups constituting the majority sent a letter to Yaël Braun-Pivet, Tuesday, July 11, to ask the President of the National Assembly to sanction the deputies who participated, Saturday, in Paris, in the demonstration prohibited in the memory of Adama Traoré. In their mail, Aurore Bergé (Renaissance), Jean-Paul Mattéi (MoDem) and Laurent Marcangeli (Horizons) directly target the rebellious deputies Mathilde Panot, Eric Coquerel, Louis Boyard, Sandrine Rousseau, Rachel Keke, Carlos Martens Bilpongo, Danielle Simmonet, Thomas Portes, Jérôme Lagrave and Antoine Léaumont.

“Article 70 paragraph 2 of our rules provides that any member of the Assembly engaging in demonstrations disturbing order may be subject to disciplinary penalties. However, this gathering was banned for the same reason of ‘risks of disturbances to public orderthey write. Worse, these deputies wore their tricolor scarf on this occasion and maintained their presence at a demonstration with the slogan of ‘Everyone hates the police’.”

Contacted by franceinfo, the entourage of the President of the National Assembly responds that “there is a permanent office each month”and “the next one is July 19”. “Each member can discuss the subject he wants there”.

In a tweet posted on SaturdayYaël Braun-Pivet had herself reacted to the presence of several elected officials from La France insoumise in the rally. “I am appalled to see elected officials of the nation, sporting the tricolor scarf, silent and smiling while hearing demonstrators chanting ‘Everyone hates the police’.”

“To guarantee disrespect and hatred towards our police forces is to knowingly damage the Republic”, wrote Yaël Braun-Pivet again.

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