The majority campaigning for the European elections, Xi Jinping’s visit to Paris… Nathalie Loiseau’s “8h30 franceinfo”

The Horizons MEP and candidate on the presidential majority list was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Sunday May 5, 2024.



Reading time: 16 min

RF (franceinfo/Radio France)

Nathalie Loiseau, Renew/Horizons MEP and candidate on the presidential majority list was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Sunday May 5, 2024. She answered questions from Victoria Koussa and Benjamin Fontaine.

Europeans: “We are the only ones who can keep what we promise, the others promise castles in Spain”

While the European campaign is launched, the presidential majority presented Friday May 3 the first 30 names on its list for the European elections. Nathalie Loiseau, head of the list in 2019, is in 5th position. Emmanuel Macron, for his part, is committed to this campaign by literally appearing with the head of the list Valérie Hayer on his latest campaign poster. It also requires commitment “maximum” to Gabriel Attal in this campaign.
“This is proof of the conviction of the importance of European issues and the fact that we are all behind Valérie Hayer” says Nathalie Loiseau.

“We are the only ones who can keep what we promise, the others promise Castles in Spain” she says. “Voting for our list is voting for something that will really happen.”

Xi Jinping in Paris: China “will have courteous but determined Europeans facing it”

This Monday will begin President Xi Jinping’s visit to France. Emmanuel Macron will receive him at the Élysée at the same time as the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen. “When it speaks with France, China knows that it is speaking to all Europeans (…) We have a vision of the world that we want to convey to China with great courtesy but also without complacency”, says the former diplomat. China “will have courteous but determined Europeans facing it”.

The numerous trade disputes between the European Union and Beijing will be discussed during this meeting. In particular, Europeans are asking “reciprocity” And “access to the Chinese public market”recalls the MEP, because the Chinese have “access to ours can only happen if we have access to theirs.”

On the war in Ukraine, “we must confront China with realities” she pleads, deploring her “complacency with Russia”. “We see Russia, which is brandishing nuclear weapons indiscriminately (…) It is not in China’s interest, just as it is not in France’s interest”warns Nathalie Loiseau, who hopes that “China will use its weight to bring Russia to its senses”.

Find the entire “8:30 a.m. franceinfo” from Sunday May 5, 2024:

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