Video duration: 5 min
European elections: “The majority between the socialists and the right will surely be decided by just a few votes”, estimates Guilhem Carayon, number 9 on the Les Républicains list
European elections: “The majority between the socialists and the right will surely come down to a few votes”, estimates Guilhem Carayon, number 9 on the Les Républicains list
Guilhem Carayon, number 9 on the Les Républicains list in the European elections and president of the Young Republicans, was the guest of 11/13 info, Friday June 7.
By announcing military aid for Ukraine, is the President of the Republic campaigning without campaigning? Guilhem Carayon, number 9 on the Les Républicains list in the European elections, believes “outrages the president’s ability to exploit the Russian-Ukrainian conflict at the end of this electoral period.”
For Guilhem Carayon, Emmanuel Macron “is lying when he says that the divide in the European Parliament is Renaissance versus the National Rally”. According to him, these two groups are “marginals” And “have not moved a comma from a European text”. Defending the record of François-Xavier Bellamy, he believes that the LR list is the vote “useful” for the right. “In the European Parliament, the majority between the socialists and the right will surely come down to a few votes. If we do not want the agenda to be led by the socialists, it is absolutely necessary that every vote goes towards our candidate”he pleads.