the majority between rumors of reshuffle and search for a course

The back-to-school Council of Ministers is postponed by a week, and this postponement revives rumors of a reshuffle in a tested majority which is awaiting strong signs from Emmanuel Macron.


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Illustrative photo: entrance to the Elysée Palace during a council of ministers in September 2023. (XOSE BOUZAS / HANS LUCAS)

The vagueness persists at the top of the State after the postponement for one week of the Council of Ministers back to school, which was to take place on Wednesday January 3. The question of a reshuffle is raised, but if so, why do it? President Emmanuel Macron promised in his wishes “action, determination, efficiency and results”. The majority are waiting for actions and clarifications.

After the earthquake of the immigration text in December, the deputies are now plunged into fog. The Christmas holidays drag on and the postponement of the Council of Ministers is accompanied by a return of rumors of a reshuffle. “We need to do a big cleanup”, supports a Renaissance deputy with franceinfo. He even calls for “replace tech ministers with real politicians who have things to say and who are not afraid to strike”.

Waiting for a strong signal

“The more we talk about it, the less it happens“, puts a faithful member of the majority into perspective. Especially since the agenda, according to him, does not allow it. Not before mid-January, he estimates, while the court decision is expected on January 17 on the accusations of favoritism targeting the Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt. And then, changing teams is above all changing captains. Who could replace Élisabeth Borne? Still shaken up by the immigration law, a member of the left wing warns: “If we get a right-wing Prime Minister, I don’t see how to stay within the majority”.

Emmanuel Macron may well affirm himself that there is a direction in his wishes, with a “year of determination” and of “French pride”, MPs are waiting for it to come to fruition. “Do impactful things”, says a Renaissance elected official, particularly on housing or health. The text which proposes to include freedom of recourse to abortion in the Constitution arrives at the National Assembly at the end of the month. If it passes, it would be a “strong signal to reaffirm that we are progressiveexplains the elected official. We need more actions than words.”

Reassure a proven majority

The schedule is tight and there will be few shooting windows, between the European elections and the Olympic Games, in particular. But there is another priority for this MP: to unite the majority, tested by the sequence of pension reform and the debate on the immigration law. “The head of state must come and cajole us. It lacks flesh ! You have to love your team, reassure them, give them importance… Let them receive us at the Élysée, as François Hollande could do at the time.” A cuddle therapy session necessary for a majority which, in 2024, will still not be the majority.

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