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While the first round of legislative elections will take place on June 12, a trend is clearly emerging.
The presidential majority and Nupes are neck and neck. But there are three main camps that stand out. “This is what we observe in any case in the latest studies. According to a study by our partner Ipsos Sopra Steria which came out today, voting intentions gather around three poles. The first is that of the presidential majority, with the Republic on the march and its allies credited with 28%. Follows the Nupes on the left, only half a point below. And on the far right, the National Rally at 20%. There is a last pole, that of the Republicans at 11%”explains Thibaut Petit, journalist in the political service of franceinfo.
“There is a polarization of French political life. Blocks that are impermeable to each other and that cannot find consensus. There is a phenomenon of voting by rejection. We no longer see for ideas of one party but against the ideas of the other. There is a personalization of political life. To see it, just look at the electoral signs next to your home. The candidates appear alongside Emmanuel Macron, Jean-Luc Mélenchon or even Marine Le Pen. Faces that replace logos with the feeling of betting on leaders rather than on programs”, he continues. Finally, there are the forecasts for the abstention rate, which should be very high. “In the same study, it is estimated that participation in the first round of legislative elections could reach only 46%. So 54% abstention. More than one in two French people if this is the case, and it would be a record because never abstention will never have been so high”warns Thibaut Petit.