the major annual fundraising event for the Restos du Cœur



France 3

Article written by

G. Berg, P. Dussol, C. Kechiche – France 3

France Televisions

Even today, they need us. The Restos du Cœur are organizing a major national collection on the weekend of March 4 to 6. The volunteers are mobilizing and calling for the generosity of the French.

In Mazères (Ariège), the small local Restos du Cœur center provides essential assistance to its 90 beneficiaries. Every Thursday and Friday, food and sanitation supplies are distributed to those most in need. “These are often single people, retirees or young people on their own, and also single mothers”explains Ghislaine Opala, the center manager.

For the centre’s seven volunteers, it’s a full-time job. In addition to their administrative and logistical obligations, they take care to offer warmth, a coffee or an attentive ear to everyone who walks through the door. There are twelve Restos du Cœur centers in Ariège. They are preparing for the big national collection, which will take place from March 4 to 6. In France, 1.2 million people benefit from the help of the Restos du Cœur.


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