The new organization brings together 3,500 members and is made up of “current federations” including the Independent and Democratic High School Federation (Fidl), the High School Voice and the National High School Movement (MNL).
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The three main high school unions are merging to become the “High School Union”, franceinfo learned on Friday November 3 from the new structure. “For 36 years, high school organizations have been divided and from today, things are changing”welcomes the union.
This new organization, which brings together 3,500 members, is made up of “current federations” of the Independent and Democratic High School Federation (Fidl), the High School Voice, the National High School Movement (MNL), the High School Pirate Union (UPL ), AEB Lycées or the Solidarity community of the eastern lands (CSTE), details the High School Union.
In front of the “problem of the union of the left” and after the sequence of pension reform, “it is essential for us to have a mass high school movement to fight against the SNU and the baccalaureate reform”says Gwenn Thomas-Alves, president of Fidl.
This merger comes after months of strong mobilization of young people against pension reform, allowing in the process the resurgence of high school unions.