Citizen groups have set up blockades all over the island since January 22 to protest against immigration and insecurity.
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In Mayotte, “Forces vives”, a majority citizen collective protesting against insecurity and uncontrolled immigration, committed on Sunday February 11 to lifting the roadblocks within 48 hours, after Gérald Darmanin’s announcements, reports the journalist from franceinfo present on site. The Minister of the Interior notably announced, during his visit to the island, a constitutional revision intended to eliminate land law only in Mayotte.
Gérald Darmanin spent more than four hours within the walls of the Mayotte rectorate, Sunday February 1, in stifling heat, giving pledges to the collectives of citizens who have been blocking the island for three weeks. “I believe that these provisions have found a very favorable reception, particularly from the collectives”welcomes the Minister of the Interior.
The Minister of the Interior promised to send them a written proposal by Tuesday evening on the measures taken. “I understood that if this letter was signed by us, the roadblocks would be lifted“, affirms Gérald Darmanin. He must see Emmanuel Macron on Monday to give a timetable for the future text of Mayotte law, which will include the effective end of the territorialized visa announced on Sunday morning. This was the measure demanded by the Mahorese population to relieve congestion on the island This visa prevented its holders from leaving the island. On the promise of reform of land law, it will be presented on the occasion of other constitutional reforms planned this year, according to the Minister of the Interior.
“Unbelievable violence”
For the LIOT MP from Mayotte, Estelle Youssouffa, there was no other choice: “We is experiencing unprecedented violence, the population can’t take it anymore.” The elected official believes that the series of measures announced by the minister responds to “the demand of the entire population, of all elected officials, beyond all partisan lines in Mayotte.”
“If we don’t have a way out from above, politically, legally, with significant constitutional changes, we are headed for a bloodbath in Mayotte.”
Estelle Youssouffa, LIOT MP for Mayotteat franceinfo
The roadblocks could therefore be lifted by Wednesday February 14. A condition for unblocking: the population must follow the instructions of the collective leaders.