the magistrates point the finger at a lack of transparency

In a report published Thursday that franceinfo was able to consult, the Court of Auditors considers that the federations of hunters are not transparent enough in the use of the biodiversity fund, which is used to carry out nature preservation projects.


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Hunters during a boar hunt, in Corse-du-Sud, in April 2023. (PASCAL POCHARD-CASABIANCA / AFP)

The Court of Auditors unveils Thursday, July 13 its report on the management of public resources allocated to the Federations of hunters. According to the document consulted by franceinfo, the magistrates of the Court denounce a lack of transparency in the management of the federations.

In 2021, the Regions and the State granted them nearly seven million euros in subsidies. They almost doubled between 2018 and 2021. This economic aid is supposed to finance the public service missions carried out by hunters: regulation of wildlife, land development.

For the Court of Auditors, the federations must show their credentials

According to the magistrates, the federations do not respect their obligations of transparency. For example, the minutes of general meetings, the accounts or the remuneration of senior executives are not made public. The Court of Auditors also points to a lack of transparency in the distribution of the biodiversity fund: 15 million euros per year made available to carry out nature preservation projects. According to the magistrates, some of these projects are not qualitative enough. These criticisms had already been made by the anti-hunting collective “Un jour un chasseur”.

It is moreover this collective which had asked the Court of Auditors to take up the subject. For their part, the hunters see in this report a relentlessness against them. This report is the second said “citizens’ initiative“: a program of the Court of Auditors to collect requests from civil society. The last investigation of the Court of Auditors on the federations of hunters dates back to 2013.

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