The magic of the perineum

This week we are talking about a very discreet muscle, of which we do not all know the existence, and which is nevertheless very important in daily life: the perineum.

I first heard about this muscle about ten years ago. A colleague from my team was studying physiotherapy and, at each abs session, she asked us to remember to tighten our perineum, often under the amused gaze of our trainers.

Because, yes, the perineum is in a very intimate area. Between the pubis and the coccyx, it looks a bit like a hammock. This floor is made of different muscles and ligaments and helps support our organs. To feel it, we just have to hold back an urge to urinate.

The perineum is not like the chocolate bars that we will be able to show off. However, a perineum that is too weak can cause urinary leakage, vaginal gasesa pelvic heavinessfrom perineal pain, organ descent or erection problems and inguinal hernias in men.

Fortunately, in sport, this subject is becoming less and less taboo. In our training center, during each medical check-up, we answer a questionnaire to better target possible failures.

Obviously, currently pregnant, I pay particular attention to my perineum, because today, the weight exerted on this area is even greater. But everyone can and must be vigilant, both men and women.

If you feel a weakness in this muscle, it is easy to make an appointment with a physiotherapist for rehabilitation. Many self-rehabilitation exercises exist and are very easy to set up. Alternating rapid contracted/released phases or contracting this area for several seconds are already very effective exercises.

The difficulty is really not to do these exercises, but to think about doing them. Brushing your teeth, waiting at a red light can be good times, but also and above all, when you cough, sneeze or carry loads.

Having a solid base, in other words a toned pelvic floor, allows for better posture, more accurate posture, better breathing, and increased body awareness. These improvements obviously promote relaxation, lucidity and therefore sports performance. Last advantage of the perineum, it plays an important role in your sexual pleasure.

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