Since this Saturday, the Harcourt estate has been home to Father Christmas, or almost. In any case, everything is done to attract it, to attract visitors as well. They can walk for the first time in the history of the castle this winter, and at night. A way to rediscover the area. Already nearly 1,300 visitors could admire the lights of the domain.
The magic of Christmas until January 2
About fifteen illuminated paintings, also labeled trees. The route lasts one hour. “It’s happiness all these lights“, Séverine smiles.”There are lights in the trees, little lights on the ground, it’s really nice“, adds Nadège.”It’s the magic of Christmas, it’s gold, blue, silver and it lights up everywhere“, Caroline adds.
“Throughout the holidays there will be highlights. On December 22, 26 and 29 and January 2, we will have shows at the end of the day around 5 p.m. / 5.30 p.m. with the company Ludens “, explains Catherine Flamand, the director of the site. “A parental energy merry-go-round for example, parents will have to make a little physical effort to make the merry-go-round turn.“, smiles the director of the site. The site will turn off its lights on January 2nd.
– Bradley de Souza